1005 Museum, Department, or Lab Collections 486 Scanning Facilities 116 Collection and Scanning Facilities

Organizations represent institutions, departments, collections, facilities, labs, and other groups that manage, house, and curate physical objects or imaging devices. An organization describes whatever bureaucratic entity is responsible for setting policies for access to physical objects or devices. Typically, organizations are collections or departments within an institution, but in some cases they can also be an entire larger institution or a specific smaller lab within a collection or department. Users affiliated with the collection, institution, or other entity associated with an organization can directly manage that organization, enabling some level of access control over physical objects or imaging devices connected to the organization. Please contact the MorphoSource admins to discuss managing an organization.

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Parent Institution Organization Name Institution Codes Collection Codes Type Media Objects Devices
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Display all details of UNAM Colección Nacional de Peces UNAM CNPE Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 57 35 0
Universidad del Norte - Barranquilla Display all details of Mapuka Museum MUN STRI Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 0 0 0
The University of Tokyo Display all details of UMUT Department of Historical Geology and Paleontology, The University Museum UMUT HGP-PB Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 116 58 0
University College London Display all details of UCL Department of Chemical Engineering scanningfacility Scanning Facility 2 1 1
National Museum of Mongolia Display all details of National Museum of Mongolia dskc, nmmp skull, horse Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 1 1 0
Beneski Museum of Natural History at Amherst College Display all details of Vertebrate Paleontology Collection acm vp Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 1 1 0
Universidad Nacional del Comahue Display all details of Museo de Ciencias Naturales MUC, mucp PV Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 5 3 0
Forest Research Institute Malaysia Display all details of Forest Research Institute Malaysia frim Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 3 1 0
Kwata Association Display all details of Kwata Association KWATA JAGUARS Collection and Scanning Facility 238 115 3
Texas State University Display all details of Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State TXSTDSC Collection and Scanning Facility 0 0 0
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