1339 Projects
Media are grouped by projects created by users. Projects tend to contain media tied together by a theme. A project might represent the dataset for a single peer-reviewed paper, the results of a collections digitization project, or data for a digital lesson plan.
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Title | Description | Team | Creator | Media | Objects |
Display all details of Jurassic Giants | The Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation (150-145 million years old) extends from northern Montana to Arizona and New Mexico, preserving some of the best windows into this time period anywhere on Earth. The models seen in this collection come from central Wyoming, Cañon City and Comanche National Grassland in southeastern Colorado. | Toth, Natalie | 80 | 80 | |
Display all details of Comparative architecture of the tessellated boxfish carapace | MicroCT scans of boxfish species for following manuscript: Eigen L., Wölfer J., Baum D., Le M.L.V., Werner D., Dean M.N., Nyakatura J.A. (2024). Comparative architecture of the tessellated boxfish carapace. Communications Biology. | Eigen, Lennart | 11 | 11 | |
Display all details of Fish from the Late Cretaceous of Alaska | This project archives data presented in the following paper: BRINKMAN, D. B., DRUCKENMILLER, P, LÓPEZ, J. A., ERICKSON, G. M., EBERLE, J., MUNOZ, X., Wilson, L.N., MURRAY, A. M., VAN LOON, L., and BANERJEE, N. in progress, Project: Late Cretaceous fish fossils from the Prince Creek Formation, Alaska. | D. B. Brinkman | 13 | 12 | |
Display all details of Alpkarakush kyrgyzicus - IGB 2 | Abstract: Recent fieldwork in the late Middle Jurassic Balabansai Formation of Kyrgyzstan has yielded a partial skeleton of a large theropod dinosaur. The material includes a few bones of the skull (postorbital, quadratojugal), dorsal and sacral vertebrae, fragments of the pectoral girdle and forelimbs, and almost complete pelvic girdle and hindlimbs, and is here made the type of a new theropod taxon, Alpkarakush kyrgyzicus gen. et sp. nov. Alpkarakush can be diagnosed by an extremely developed orbital brow on the postorbital, a pneumatic opening leading into cavities in the neural arch from the centroprezygodiapophyseal fossa in posterior dorsal vertebrae, an enclosed ventral sulcus in manual phalanx II-1, a narrow and deep intercondylar groove on the anterior side of the distal femur, and an epicondylar crest on the distal femur that is offset from the distal end. A second, fragmentary and smaller specimen from the same site represents the same taxon. Based on long bone histology, the type of Alpkarakush represents a late subadult individual, whereas the smaller specimen is a juvenile, possibly indicating gregarious behaviour. Phylogenetic analysis places Alpkarakush in the Metriacanthosauridae, underlining the diversity and wide distribution of this clade in the Jurassic of Asia. | Alpkarakush 3D Data | Wings, Oliver | 28 | 1 |
Display all details of The oVert Thematic Collections Network | The oVert (openVertebrate) Thematic Collection Network (TCN) generates and serves high-resolution digital three-dimensional data for internal anatomy across vertebrate diversity. At a network of digitization centers across the US, we have CT-scaned >13,000 fluid-preserved specimens representing >80% of the living genera of vertebrates. This provides broad coverage for exploration and research on all major groups of vertebrates. We have also generated contrast-enhanced scans to reveal soft tissues and organs for a majority of the living vertebrate families. This collection of digital imagery and three-dimensional volumes is open for exploration, download, and use to address questions related to the discovery of new species, documenting patterns of anatomical diversity and growth, and testing hypotheses of function and evolution. These new media provide unprecedented global access to valuable specimens in US museum collections. Our network of leading US vertebrate collections has developed best practices and guidelines for high-throughput CT-scanning, including efficient workflows, preferred resolutions, and archival formats that optimize the variety of downstream applications. We train museum specialists on the generation, curation, and distribution of 3D data, researchers in using 3D anatomical data, and high school and undergraduate students in the tools for creating 3D anatomical models. To drive the use of these digital specimens by K12 STEM educators, we have conducted teacher-driven workshops that generate freely available lesson plans focused on specific science standards that are based on digital and printed 3D models of specimens in US museum collections. Data generated by oVert serves as a catalyst for diverse research projects focused on understanding the vertebrate morphological diversity and dramatically increase the accessibility of specimens housed in US scientific collections. These anatomical phenotypes represent a common currency that facilitates integration across the fields of taxonomy, evolution, developmental biology, comparative physiology, functional anatomy, paleontology, and ecology. We use x-ray computed tomography (CT) scanning to generate high-resolution digital anatomical data, represented as both 2D image stacks and 3D volumes and surfaces, distributed globally through the on-line data portal MorphoSource. With these 3D digital specimens, US and international research communities will be able to (1) diagnose, describe, and infer patterns of relationships among both living and extinct vertebrates, (2) test hypotheses of morphological evolution such as patterns of disparity, modularity, and phenotype-environment correlations, (3) develop structure-function models for testing hypotheses about morphological adaptations related to, e.g., feeding and locomotion, and (4) explore relationships between brain and nervous system anatomy and both sensory and musculoskeletal function. We will upgrade the interface and functionality of MorphoSource, an on-line data depository for 3D data of biological specimens, improving its capacity to explore media, capture standardized metadata, ingest legacy data from previous and existing projects, supply media information to data aggregators including iDigBio, and engage educators and students. We support training workshops both on-site at participating institutions and national society meetings of scientists and educators. | Blackburn, David | 18556 | 11296 | |
Display all details of Ambizione project: Macroevolutionary patterns of shape evolution in turtles | 830 | 212 | |||
Display all details of Adapiform Skulls and Skeletons | This project includes various adapiform specimens that are being analyzed by both Bloch and Boyer labs and is funded by NSF BCS 1440742 | 5054 | 63 | ||
Display all details of New insights into the leporid intracranial joint: complexity and locomotion | Amber Wood-Bailey | 6 | 6 | ||
Display all details of Postcranial anatomy of Dsungaripterus weii (Pterosauria: Ornithocheiroidea) from the Lower Cretaceous of Wuerho, China | 3 | 3 | |||
Display all details of MINKS - Conserving our wildlife heritage: comparative biomechanics of feeding in native and introduced minks | The European mink (Mustela lutreola) is the second most threatened mammal in Europe. In the last decade, its population has been halved by habitat degradation and introduction of American Mink (Neovison vison) populations. This invasive species is larger and less habitat-restricted than the European mink. It is unclear whether dietary overlap occurs between these mink species, although skull morphology would suggest that the American mink has access to a wider variety of food items. MINKS aims to compare the mechanical performance of the jaws in feeding to assess the range of potential foods and extent of dietary competition between both mink species. To accomplish this, MINKS will combine computer modelling techniques (iodine-enhanced microCT scans, finite element analysis (FEA)) with 3D geometric morphometric methods (3DGM) for statistical shape analysis. Differences in skull morphology between both mink species will be assessed, and the skull anatomy of each species will be 3D modelled and subjected to FEA, which will then be compared using 3DGM. MINKS represents the first 3D study on muscular architecture in carnivorans, and also the first application of CAHS’ whole-system-function methodology in the study of carnivoran anatomy. The results of this research will be applied to the conservation of European mink populations, particularly in areas where the food items available increase their survivability. MINKS has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 835736, and has been carried out at the Centre for Anatomical and Human Sciences (CAHS), Department of Archaeology, University of York (UK). | Gálvez-López, Eloy | 97 | 93 |