1339 Projects

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Title Description Team Creator Media Objects
Display all details of Phylogenetics of Archerfishes (Toxotidae) and Evolution of the Toxotid Shooting Apparatus µCT data associated with Girard, M. G., M. P. Davis, Tan H. H., D. J. Wedd, P. Chakrabarty, W. B. Ludt, A. P. Summers, and W. L. Smith. 2022. Phylogenetics of archerfishes (Toxotidae) and the evolution of the toxotid shooting apparatus. Integrative Organismal Biology 4:obac013. 19 19
Display all details of Convergent Evolution and the Red Sea Rover: Emmelichthys marisrubri (Teleostei: Emmelichthyidae) Is a Species of Fusilier (Lutjanidae: Dipterygonotus) µCT data associated with Girard, M. G. 2024. Convergent evolution and the Red Sea rover: Emmelichthys marisrubri (Teleostei: Emmelichthyidae) is a species of fusilier (Lutjanidae: Dipterygonotus). Ichthyology & Herpetology 112:41–52. 9 9
Display all details of Revision of the Luciobrotula and Pycnocraspedum larval morphology µCT scans associated with Girard, M. G., B. C. Mundy, A. Nonaka, and G. D. Johnson. 2023. Cusk-eel confusion: revisions of larval Luciobrotula and Pycnocraspedum and re-descriptions of two bythitid larvae (Ophidiiformes). Ichthyological Research 70: 474–489. 4 4
Display all details of New species of redbait from the Philippines (Teleostei: Emmelichthyidae: Emmelichthys) µCT scans associated with Girard, M. G., M. D. Santos, and K. E. Bemis. 2024. New species of redbait from the Philippines (Teleostei: Emmelichthyidae: Emmelichthys). ZooKeys 1196:95–109. 6 6
Display all details of Discovery and description of elaborate larval cusk-eels and the relationships among Acanthonus, Tauredophidium, and Xyelacyba (Teleostei: Ophidiidae) µCT scans associated with Girard, M. G., A. Nonaka, C. C. Baldwin, and G. D. Johnson. 2024. Discovery and description of elaborate larval cusk-eels and the relationships among Acanthonus, Tauredophidium, and Xyelacyba (Teleostei: Ophidiidae), p. 20–42. In: Early Life History and Biology of Marine Fishes: Research inspired by the work of H Geoffrey Moser. J. M. Leis, W. Watson, B. C. Mundy, and P. Konstantinidis (eds.). NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 24. 2 2
Display all details of Fin-winged fruit of Friisifructus 1 1
Display all details of Plethodontids diceCT Jaimi Gray 24 12
Display all details of Kem Kem Group Theropod Specimens (NHMUK) 3D digital models generated by the study Lacerda et al. Zool. J. Linn. Soc 11 11
Display all details of Miami Typhlonectes 14 11
Display all details of TEMPO Mammals Micro-CT scans and surfaces of extant mammals 4179 442
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