1339 Projects
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Display all details of Waukesha Panderodus | Supplementary data for Murdock, D. J. E. & Smith, M. Paul. 2021. PANDERODUS FROM THE WAUKESHA LAGERSTÄTTE OF WISCONSIN, USA – THE ANATOMY OF PRIMITIVE MACROPHAGOUS VERTEBRATE PREDATORS. Papers in Palaeontology | Murdock, Duncan J E | 8 | 1 | |
Display all details of North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences Herpetology collection | The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences' herpetology collection, started in the late 1800s by Museum co-founder C.S. Brimley, contains over 84,300 cataloged records (March 2015) that consist of approximately 265,000 specimens. It is one of the largest and most complete regional collections in the United States. Approximately 80% of the collection consists of North Carolina material, although at least 47 states, 58 countries, and 675 species are represented. Other states with substantial representation include California, Delaware, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Other countries with substantial representation include Laos, Vietnam, and Gabon. Most of the specimens have been accumulated since the 1960s when Emeritus Curator of Herpetology William Palmer, then Curator of Lower Vertebrates, began caring for the collections. In 2014, the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences acquired most of the herpetology collections at the Charleston Museum and Appalachian State University (R. Wayne Van Devender’s collection), and these are currently being incorporated. The completed processing of these two acquisitions will make the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences’ herpetology collection the major holdings for South Carolina, as well as North Carolina. Other significant past acquisitions include Duke University (Joseph Bailey's collection), Davidson College (E. E. Brown's collection), and Virginia Commonwealth University (Charles Blem's collection). The collection houses fluid-preserved specimens, skeletons, skins, tissues for molecular analyses, and other materials. Photographic vouchers, field notes, other museums' records of North Carolina holdings, and specimen data sheets are also maintained as part of the materials documenting these resources. Researchers and the management community use the collection to identify, document geographic distributions, learn the biology, and determine the conservation status of populations and species of amphibians & reptiles in North Carolina and the world beyond. | 28 | 13 | ||
Display all details of Osteology and digital reconstruction of the skull of the early tetrapod Whatcheeria deltae | The Early Carboniferous stem tetrapod Whatcheeria deltae is among the earliest-branching limbed tetrapods represented by multiple near-complete specimens, making it an important taxon in understanding the vertebrate water-to-land transition. However, all preserved skulls of Whatcheeria suffer from post-mortem crushing and lateral compression, which has made cranial reconstruction problematic. In this study, computed tomography data of three Whatcheeria specimens were segmented using visualization software to digitally separate each individual skull bone from matrix. Digital methods were used to repair and retrodeform the bones and produce the first complete three-dimensional skull reconstruction of Whatcheeria, revealing that this taxon had one of the narrowest skulls of any known early tetrapod, a gap between the nasals, and significant overlap of the lacrimal onto the nasal and prefrontal. We provide a revised description of the cranial and lower jaw anatomy of Whatcheeria based on CT data, focusing on sutural morphology and previously unknown anatomical details. Sutural morphology is used to infer loading regime in the skull during feeding and suggests the skull of Whatcheeria was well-adapted to resist stresses induced by biting large prey with its enlarged anterior fangs. | Rawson, James | 4 | 3 | |
Display all details of Fang evolution in venomous snakes: models supporting variation of 3D tooth shape with diet | MicroCT scans and 3D mesh models from the study: Cleuren SGC, Hocking DP, Evans AR. 2021. Fang evolution in venomous snakes: adaptation of 3D tooth shape to the biomechanical properties of their prey. Evolution. DOI: ... See the text of the paper for further details. | Cleuren, Silke | 102 | 101 | |
Display all details of Assessment of effects of breeding status on bone morphology of female Damaraland mole-rats (Fukomys damarensis) | This project contains data for a peer reviewed published research study, the link for which is provided below. Damaraland mole-rats are highly cooperative, subterranean mammals that live in colonies in which a single female dominates breeding, while all other adult females suppress their reproductive axis, remaining as subordinate, nonbreeding helpers. We explored the consequences of breeding on bone growth and development in Damaraland mole-rats by experimentally assigning breeder versus non-breeder status to females. Experimentally assigned breeding status was maintained for over one year prior to collection and microCT scanning of the right tibia, right femur, lumbar vertebra 6, and lumbar vertebra 7. | 138 | 36 | ||
Display all details of The evolution of swimming in tetrapods | Marx, Felix | 5 | 4 | ||
Display all details of Evers & Benson 2018, Turtle CT Data and 3D Models | Please note related publications: 1. Evers SW, Benson RBJ. 2019. A new phylogenetic hypothesis of turtles with implications for the timing and number of evolutionary transitions to marine lifestyles in the Group. Palaeontology 62(1): 93–134. 2. Evers SW, Barrett PM, Benson RBJ. 2019. Anatomy of Rhinochelys pulchriceps (Protostegidae) and marine adaptation during the early evolution of chelonioids. PeerJ 7:e6811 3. Evers Serjoscha W. and Joyce Walter G. 2020A re-description of Sandownia harrisi (Testudinata: Sandownidae) from the Aptian of the Isle of Wight based on computed tomography scansR. Soc. open sci.7191936191936 | 345 | 12 | ||
Display all details of Evers et al. 2018. Rhinochelys CT data | Please note the related publications: 1. Evers SW, Barrett PM, Benson RBJ. 2019. Anatomy of Rhinochelys pulchriceps (Protostegidae) and marine adaptation during the early evolution of chelonioids. PeerJ 7:e6811 2. Serjoscha W Evers, James M Neenan, Gabriel S Ferreira, Ingmar Werneburg, Paul M Barrett, Roger B J Benson, Neurovascular anatomy of the protostegid turtle Rhinochelys pulchriceps and comparisons of membranous and endosseous labyrinth shape in an extant turtle, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Volume 187, Issue 3, November 2019, Pages 800–828, | 176 | 5 | ||
Display all details of Joyce WG, Rollot Y, Evers SW, Lyson TR, Rahantarisoa LJ, Krause DW. 2021. Sahonachelys mailakavava CT scans and 3D models | Please note the related publication " Joyce Walter G., Rollot Yann, Evers Serjoscha W., Lyson Tyler R., Rahantarisoa Lydia J. and Krause David W. 2021A new pelomedusoid turtle, Sahonachelys mailakavava, from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar provides evidence for convergent evolution of specialized suction feeding among pleurodiresR. Soc. open sci.8210098210098;" | 30 | 1 | ||
Display all details of Evers. 2020. Cranial CT scans of Pleurosternon bullockii | Please note related publications: 1. Evers SW, Rollot Y, Joyce WG. 2020. Cranial osteology of the Early Cretaceous turtle Pleurosternon bullockii (Paracryptodira: Pleurosternidae) PeerJ 8:e9454 | 31 | 1 |