Visible Human Project 2
ID: 000367530
Data is the head of a 72 year old male donor. The donor was preserved in formalin and the blood vessels were filled with araldite-F. Full descriptionBrigham and Women's Hospital Havard Medical School Dr. Peter Ratiu Data is the head of a 72 year old male donor. The donor was preserved in formalin and the blood vessels were filled with araldite-F. Before freezing, MRI and CAT imaging was preformed. After freezing the specimen was cryo sectioned at 0.147mm intervals and digital photographs were taken with a resolution of 1056 x 1528 pixels. For a complete description of the procedure see: P. Ratiu, B. Hillen, J. Glase and D.P. Jenkins. 'Visible Human 2.0 - The Next Generation' "Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 11 - NextMed: Health Horizon" edited by J.D. Westwood et al. IOS Press, 2003. pp 275-281. This work was performed under contract LM-1-3535 "The Visible Human Project Anatomical Methods"