Discovery and description of elaborate larval cusk-eels and the relationships among Acanthonus, Tauredophidium, and Xyelacyba (Teleostei: Ophidiidae)
ID: 000432156
µCT scans associated with Girard, M. G., A. Nonaka, C. C. Baldwin, and G. D. Johnson. 2024. Discovery and description of elaborate larval cusk-eels and the relationships among Acanthonus, Tauredophidium, and Xyelacyba (Teleostei: Ophidiidae), p. 20–42. In: Early Life History and Biology of Marine Fishes: Research inspired by the work of H Geoffrey Moser. J. M. Leis, W. Watson, B. C. Mundy, and P. Konstantinidis (eds.). NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 24.
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