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A review and case study of 3D imaging modalities for female amniote reproductive anatomy. Project ID: 000435879 Public
6 Media · 5 Specimens · Managed by: Emma Clear

Abstract Recent advances in non-invasive imaging methods have revitalised the field of comparative anatomy, and reproductive anatomy has been no exception. The reproductive systems of female amniotes present specific challenges, namely their often internal ‘hidden’ anatomy. Quantifying female reproductive systems is crucial to recognising reproductive pathologies, monitoring menstrual cycles and understanding copulatory mechanics. Here we conduct a review of the application of non-invasive imaging techniques to female amniote reproductive anatomy. We introduce the commonly used imaging modalities of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), highlighting their advantages and limitations when applied to female reproductive tissues, and make suggestions for future advances. We also include a case study of micro CT and MRI, along with their associated staining protocols, applied to cadavers of female adult stoats (Mustela erminea). In doing so, we will progress the discussion surrounding the imaging of female reproductive anatomy, whilst also impacting the fields of sexual selection research and comparative anatomy more broadly.


Recent advances in non-invasive imaging methods have revitalised the field of comparative anatomy, and reproductive anatomy has been no exception. The reproductive systems of female amniotes present specific challenges, namely their often internal ‘hidden’ anatomy. Quantifying female reproductive systems is crucial to recognising reproductive pathologies, monitoring menstrual cycles and understanding copulatory mechanics. Here we conduct a review of the application of non-invasive imaging techniques to female amniote reproductive anatomy. We introduce the commonly used imaging modalities of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), highlighting their advantages and limitations when applied to female reproductive tissues, and make suggestions for future advances. We also include a case study of micro CT and MRI, along with their associated staining protocols, applied to cadavers of female adult stoats (Mustela erminea). In doing so, we will progress the discussion surrounding the imaging of female reproductive anatomy, whilst also impacting the fields of sexual selection research and comparative anatomy more broadly.


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