
Biological Specimen Object Class

CT Image Series Imaging Event Class

Cultural Heritage Object Class

Device Class

FileSet Class

Term Name ms:FileSet c

Term IRI
Label FileSet

A sequence of binary data accompanied by technical metadata.

Sub Class Of
Property Terms
pcdm:hasFile | pcdm:memberOf | dicom:DetectorDescription | dicom:Modality | dicom:PhotometricInterpretation | dicom:PixelSpacingCalibrationType | ms:colorFormat | ms:colorSpace | ms:compression | ms:depositor | ms:owner | dcterms:title | dicom:AccessionNumber | dicom:AnodeTargetMaterial | dicom:BitsAllocated | dicom:BitsStored | dicom:Columns | dicom:ContainerDescription | dicom:ContentDate | dicom:ContentTime | dicom:ContrastFrameAveraging | dicom:DistanceSourceToDetector | dicom:DistanceSourceToPatient | dicom:ExposureTime | dicom:GeneratorID | dicom:GeneratorPower | dicom:HighBit | dicom:ImageOrientationPatient | dicom:ImagePositionPatient | dicom:ImageType | dicom:ImagesInAcquisition | dicom:InstanceNumber | dicom:KVP | dicom:PixelRepresentation | dicom:PixelSpacing | dicom:RescaleIntercept | dicom:RescaleSlope | dicom:Rows | dicom:SamplesPerPixel | dicom:SeriesDate | dicom:SeriesTime | dicom:SliceThickness | dicom:SpacingBetweenSlices | dicom:SpiralPitchFactor | dicom:StudyDate | dicom:StudyTime | dicom:WindowCenter | dicom:WindowWidth | dicom:XRayTubeCurrent | ms:ID | ms:boundingBoxX | ms:boundingBoxY | ms:boundingBoxZ | ms:centroidX | ms:centroidY | ms:centroidZ | ms:contentsAcceptedFileCount | ms:contentsFileName | ms:contentsFileSize | ms:contentsMimeType | ms:crc32 | ms:dateModified | ms:dateUploaded | ms:dicomFileTypeExtension | ms:dicomSecondaryCaptureDeviceManufacturer | ms:dicomSecondaryCaptureDeviceSoftwareVers | ms:dicomWindowCenterAndWidthExplanation | ms:edgesPerFace | ms:faceCount | ms:fileName | ms:fileSize | ms:hasUVSpace | ms:height | ms:mimeType | ms:normalsFormat | ms:pointCount | ms:shutterSpeed | ms:vertexColor | ms:width | exif:apertureValue | exif:bitsPerSample | exif:focalLength | exif:isoSpeedRatings
Value Of Property Terms
Type Class

Imaging Event Class

Media Class

Organization Class

Photogrammetry Imaging Event Class

Photography Imaging Event Class

Physical Object Class

Processing Event Class

Term Name ms:ProcessingEvent c

Term IRI
Label Processing Event

An active event in which a media is processed to produce another media. Belongs to Imaging Event or Media as a member (as either of these can lead to a processing event), and has member Media (as the processing event leads to the production of Media).

Sub Class Of
Property Terms
Value Of Property Terms
Type Class

Sequential Section Imaging Event Class

Term Name ms:SequentialSectionImagingEvent c

Term IRI
Label Sequential Section Imaging Event

Imaging Event with Sequential Section Image Modality. Has specific metadata fields other Imaging Events may not have.

Sub Class Of ms:ImagingEvent
Property Terms Inherited
Property Terms ms:slideType
Type Class

Taxonomy Class

User Class

Term Name ms:User c

Term IRI
Label User

Individual user of MorphoSource.

Value Of Property Terms
Type Class
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