8 Museum, Department, or Lab Collections 2 Collection and Scanning Facilities 2 Scanning Facilities

Organizations represent institutions, departments, collections, facilities, labs, and other groups that manage, house, and curate physical objects or imaging devices. An organization describes whatever bureaucratic entity is responsible for setting policies for access to physical objects or devices. Typically, organizations are collections or departments within an institution, but in some cases they can also be an entire larger institution or a specific smaller lab within a collection or department. Users affiliated with the collection, institution, or other entity associated with an organization can directly manage that organization, enabling some level of access control over physical objects or imaging devices connected to the organization. Please contact the MorphoSource admins to discuss managing an organization.

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Parent Institution Organization Name Institution Codes Collection Codes Type Media Objects Devices
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH Botany USNH, US Botany Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 94 51 0
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH Anthropology Records canl, usnm anthropology, anthropology-tc Collection and Scanning Facility 88 19 0
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH - Division of Birds usnm birds Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 390 237 0
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH Extant Specimen Records usnm birds, invertebrate zoology, adp, fishes, amphibians & reptiles, mammals Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 29 15 0
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH - Department of Entomology USNM ENT Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 20 17 0
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH - Division of Mammals usnm mammals Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 16897 1989 0
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH - Division of Fishes usnm fishes Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 671 333 0
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH Paleobiology Specimen Records usnm ip, paleobiology, ri Collection and Scanning Facility 2380 482 1
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH - Department of Invertebrate Zoology USNM IZ Museum, Department, or Lab Collection 378 331 0
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Display all details of NMNH - Department of Vertebrate Zoology Scanning scanningfacility Scanning Facility 85 78 2
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Showing 1 - 10 of 12