1382 Projects

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Display all details of Simonsius harujensis 6 3
Display all details of Lizards of a different stripe: phylogenetics of the Pedioplanis undata species complex (Squamata, Lacertidae), with the description of two new species The lacertid genus Pedioplanis is a moderately speciose group of small-bodied, cryptically-colored lizards found in arid habitats throughout southern Africa. Previous phylogenetic work on Pedioplanis has determined its placement within the broader context of the Lacertidae, but interspecific relations within the genus remain unsettled, particularly within the P. undata species complex, a group largely endemic to Namibia. We greatly expanded taxon sampling for members of the P. undata complex and other Pedioplanis, and generated molecular sequence data from 1,937 bp of mtDNA (ND2 and cyt b) and 2,015 bp of nDNA (KIF24, PRLR, RAG-1) which were combined with sequences from GenBank resulting in a final dataset of 454 individuals. Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses recover similar phylogenetic results and reveal the polyphyly of P. undata and P. inornata as presently construed. We confirm that P. husabensis is sister to the group comprising the P. undata complex plus the Angolan sister species P. huntleyi + P. haackei and demonstrate that P. benguellensis lies outside of this clade in its entirety. The complex itself comprises six species including P. undata, P. inornata, P. rubens, P. gaerdesi and two previously undescribed entities. Based on divergence date estimates, the P. undata species complex began diversifying in the late Miocene (5.3 ± 1.6 MYA) with the most recent cladogenetic events dating to the Pliocene (2.6 ± 1.0 MYA), making this assemblage relatively young compared to the genus Pedioplanis as a whole, whose origins date back to the mid-Miocene (13.5 ± 1.8 MYA). Using an integrative approach, we here describe Pedioplanis branchi sp. nov. and Pedioplanis mayeri sp. nov. representing northern populations previously assigned to P. inornata and P. undata, respectively. These entities were first flagged as possible new species by Berger-Dell’mour and Mayer over thirty years ago but were never formally described. The new species are supported chiefly by differences in coloration and by unique amino acid substitutions. We provide comprehensive maps depicting historical records based on museum specimens plus new records from this study for all members of the P. undata complex and P. husabensis. We suggest that climatic oscillations of the Upper Miocene and Pliocene-Pleistocene era in concert with the formation of biogeographic barriers have led to population isolation, gene flow restrictions and ultimately cladogenesis in the P. undata complex. Kirchhof, Sebastian 28 28
Display all details of Lynx pardinus from the Late Pleistocene site of Ingarano (southern Italy) Specimen MGPT-PU 135415 cranium of a Late Pleistocene Lynx pardinus from Ingarano (southern Italy). Dawid A. Iurino 2 2
Display all details of Noyo Blue Whale #1817597 This project will create an online, open-access 3D digital model of a full blue whale skeleton from the collection at Noyo Center for Marine Science in California. Blue whales are an important endangered species in Polar waters, but specimens are extremely rare, making them difficult to research, see, and study. Skeletal anatomy is a fundamental dataset for archeology and a host of biosciences, with direct application to evolutionary models, developmental biology, comparative anatomy and physiology, paleontology, and ecology. Digital collections of skeletal data serve many different disciplines that rely on reference collections to identify animal remains, such as anthropology and forensic science. This research will take advantage of a unique opportunity to create a digital record of the complete anatomy of a blue whale, which is currently being processed for mounting at the museum. The 3D model of the blue whale created in this project will be freely available to the public for the first time, allowing for researchers and the public to easily access and interact with the specimen that would have otherwise required a special in-person trip to the museum housing this collection. In order to complete the 3D model, technicians from the Idaho Museum of Natural History will travel to the Noyo Center to scan the blue whale skeleton over two weeks, followed by processing of 3D at the Idaho Virtualization Lab. The 3D model will be made available on open-access websites, including MorphoSource. Digital model files will be created back at the IVL at the Idaho Museum of Natural History. The IVL provides internships to 10-12 Idaho State University undergraduate and graduate students each year, where they receive hands-on training in 3D model construction, from start to finish. Post-processing for models will be facilitated by these students, with oversight from the project's lead technician. Funding provided by NSF -OPP Office of Polar Programs, and ASSP-Arctic Social Science # 1817597 Idaho Virtualization Lab 131 1
Display all details of Pteraichnus tracks A new Pteraichnus tracksite was discovered in Wuerho, Xinjiang. 1 1
Display all details of Carnegie Museum of Natural History - Section of Birds 46 39
Display all details of Carnegie Museum of Natural History - Section of Mammals 5 5
Display all details of A new and diverse Late Cretaceous vertebrate tracksite from the Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia The Upper Cretaceous ‘upper’ Winton Formation of Queensland, Australia is world famous for hosting Dinosaur Stampede National Monument at Lark Quarry Conservation Park, a somewhat controversial tracksite that preserves thousands of tridactyl dinosaur tracks attributed to ornithopods and theropods. Herein, we describe the Snake Creek Tracksite, a new vertebrate ichnoassemblage from the ‘upper’ Winton Formation, originally situated on Karoola Station but now relocated to the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History. This site preserves the first sauropod tracks reported from eastern Australia, a small number of theropod and ornithopod tracks, the first fossilised crocodyliform and ?turtle tracks reported from Australia, and possible lungfish and actinopterygian feeding traces. The sauropod trackways are wide-gauge, with manus tracks bearing an ungual impression on digit I, and anteriorly tapered pes tracks with straight or concave forward posterior margins. These tracks support the hypothesis that at least one sauropod taxon from the ‘upper’ Winton Formation retained a pollex claw (previously hypothesised for Diamantinasaurus matildae based on body fossils). Many of the crocodyliform trackways indicate underwater walking. The Snake Creek Tracksite reconciles the sauropod-, crocodyliform-, turtle-, and lungfish-dominated body fossil record of the ‘upper’ Winton Formation with its heretofore ornithopod- and theropod-dominated ichnofossil record. Matt White 4 1
Display all details of Sepsina project 126 51
Display all details of Rukwasuchus yajabalijekundu-RRBP 08360 CT Scan data for the holotype cranium (RRPB 08630) of Rukwasuchus yajabalijekundu. Collected in 2008 as part of the Rukwa Rift Basin Project (Ohio University, Tanzania Antiquities Unit, University of Dar es Salaam). The paper first describing this specimen was published in 2014 (Sertich and O'Connor, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Volume 34, Issue 3, pp. 579-596). Patrick M. O'Connor 2 1
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