1382 Projects

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Display all details of The anatomy of the palate in Early Triassic Chaohusaurus brevifemoralis (Reptilia: Ichthyosauriformes) based on digital reconstruction The palatal anatomy of ichthyosauriforms remains largely unknown. Here, the complete palate of the early-branching ichthyosauriform Chaohusaurus brevifemoralis is reconstructed and described for the first time with the assistance of high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (CT) scan on the three-dimensionally preserved skull of its paratype (GMPKU-P-3086) from the Lower Triassic of South China. The reconstruction reveals new palatal features of C. brevifemoralis. The palatine contacts the jugal directly, which is observed in ichthyosauriforms for the first time. A single row of denticles is present on each side of the palate. The vomer exceeds the anterior and posterior margins of the internal naris. The pterygoid is posterior to the internal naris. The epipterygoid is present and the ectopterygoid is absent. Ya-Lei Yin 3 1
Display all details of The first tetrapod remains from the Upper Jurassic Talbragar Fossil Fish Bed 3D data of the tooth from from "The first tetrapod remains from the Upper Jurassic Talbragar Fossil Fish Bed" 1 1
Display all details of 3D models of three juveniles biarmosuchians (Synapsida, Therapsida) from the Middle Permian, South Africa Model described in "Computerized Tomography elucidates ontogeny within the basal therapsid clade Biarmosuchia" issued in PeerJ. Abstract: "Biarmosuchia is a clade of basal therapsids that includes forms possessing plesiomorphic ‘pelycosaurian’ cranial characters as well as the highly-derived Burnetiamorpha which are characterised by cranial pachyostosis and a variety of cranial bosses. Potential ontogenetic variation in these structures has been suggested based on growth series of other therapsids with pachyostosed crania, which complicates burnetiamorph taxonomic distinction and thus it is essential to better understand cranial ontogeny of the Burnetiamorpha. Here, three new juvenile biarmosuchian skulls from the late Permian of South Africa are described using micro-CT tomography. We found that juvenile biarmosuchians are distinguished from adults by their relatively large orbits, open cranial sutures, and incomplete ossification of the braincase and bony labyrinth. Also, they manifest multiple centres of ossification within the parietal and preparietal bones. CT examination reveals that the holotype of Lemurosaurus pricei (BP/1/816), previously alleged to be a juvenile, shows no evidence of juvenility and is thus probably an adult. This suggests that the larger skull NMQR 1702, previously considered to be an adult L. pricei, may represent a new taxon. This study provides, for the first time, a list of characters by which to recognise juvenile biarmosuchians." Duhamel, Aliénor 0 0
Display all details of Engis2 neanderthal child Volumetric rendering of the Engis2 skull, based on CT-data Fischer, Valentin 2 1
Display all details of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma and Uvigerina peregrina from the Gulf of Alaska (IODP 341; EW0408) Payne and Belanger, 2021. Enhanced carbonate dissolution associated with deglacial dysoxic events in the subpolar North Pacific. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. Here we use volume density (ρV) measurements as a metric of size-normalized weights for Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, a planktonic foraminifer, from upper OMZ and abyssal depth sites in the Gulf of Alaska over the past ~20,000 years to test for covariation between carbonate preservation and OMZ intensity. We find that dissolution of N. pachyderma is most intense at the upper OMZ site where oxygenation is generally lower than at the abyssal site. We also examine Uvigerina peregrina, a benthic foraminifer, at the upper OMZ site and find that the lowest ρV measurements in both taxa occur during deglacial and early Holocene dysoxic events. We use computed tomography images to confirm that changes in ρV are related to shell thickness, observe dissolution features, and test for growth influences on ρV. Further, we use stepwise selection of multiple regression models in which co-registered environmental proxies are potential predictors of ρV and find that the best supported models retain negative associations between ρV and the concentration of redox sensitive metals and the relative abundance of dysoxia-tolerant and opportunistic benthic foraminifera, indicating that low ρV is associated with low-oxygen conditions and pulsed availability of organic matter at the seafloor contribute to low ρV. Taken together, our results suggest the primary driver of carbonate dissolution here is related to organic carbon respiration at the seafloor. This highlights the importance of metabolic dissolution in understanding the inorganic carbon cycle and the role regions with high organic carbon export, such as OMZs, can have as CO2 sources as metabolic dissolution intensifies. 32 32
Display all details of WSC10058 Surface scans of WSC10058, a hadrosaur from the Menefee Formation. 5 5
Display all details of Earliest Palaeocene purgatoriids and the initial radiation of stem primates All specimens were scanned as part of Wilson et al. (2021). See link to publication below. 10 8
Display all details of Keratan sulfate as a marker for medullary bone in fossil vertebrates The ability to determine the sex of extinct dinosaurs would revolutionize our understanding of their paleobiology, however, sex-specific skeletal traits remain elusive or controversial. Although living dinosaurs exhibit a sex-specific tissue unique to females called medullary bone (MB), the confident identification of this tissue in non-avian archosaurs is challenging, specifically because of a lack of studies aimed at distinguishing it from other endosteal tissue types (such as some pathological bone) with which it shares microstructural and developmental characteristics. A recent study attempted to capitalize on the molecular signature of avian MB, which contains specific markers such as keratan sulfate (KS), to support the proposed identification of MB of a T. rex specimen (MOR 1125). Purported MB of MOR 1125 reacted positively to histochemical analyses and the single pathological control tested did not, suggesting the presence of KS might discriminate these tissues. To further test these results, we sampled 20 avian bone pathologies, and several MB samples. Our data supports KS as a reliable marker of avian MB. However, we find contrasting results among pathological tissues, with reactivity indistinguishable from MB in some pathologies, in particular those comprised of chondroid bone. Our data suggests presence of KS is not exclusive evidence for MB, but rather must be used as one in a suite of criteria available for identifying MB in non-avian dinosaurs. 12 12
Display all details of Canoville et al. - Identifying medullary bone in extinct avemetatarsalians: challenges, implications, and perspectives Medullary bone (MB) is a sex-specific tissue produced by female birds during the laying cycle and hypothesized to have arisen within Avemetatarsalia, possibly outside Avialae. Over the years, researchers have attempted to define a set of criteria from which to evaluate the nature of purported MB-like tissues recovered from fossil specimens. However, we argue that the prevalence, microstructural and chemical variability of MB in Neornithes is, as of yet, incompletely known and thus current diagnoses of MB do not capture the extent of variability that exists in modern birds. Based on recently published data and our own observations of MB distribution and structure using computed tomography and histochemistry, we attempt to advance the discourse on identifying MB in fossil specimens. We propose: i) new insights into the phylogenetic breadth and structural diversity of MB within extant birds, ii) a reevaluation and refinement of the most recently published list of criteria suggested for confidently identifying MB in the fossil record, iii) reconsideration of some prior identifications of MB-like tissues in fossil specimens by taking into account the newly acquired data, and iv) discussions on the challenges of characterizing MB in Neornithes and improving its diagnosis in extinct avemetatarsalians. 16 10
Display all details of Anolis sp. This project contains micro-CT scan data of a number of Anolis lizards. 855 838
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