TEMPO birds
ID: 00000C420
High resolution CT scans of full bird skeletons from the TEMPO project — quantifying variation in rates and constraints on avian skeletal evolution. Bjarnason A, Benson RBJ. 2021. A 3D geometric morphometric dataset quantifying skeletal variation in birds. MorphoMuseuM. doi.org/10.18563/journal.m3.125 Be sure to fully acknowledge the museum collections that provided specimens (see 'locations' and specimen metadata). Please notify the curators of those collections of publications resulting from work using these datasets. European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program 2014–2018 under grant agreement 677774 (European Research Council [ERC] Starting Grant: TEMPO). For access to specimens, we thank Judith White and Jo Cooper (Natural History Museum bird collection, Tring, UK), Janet Hinshaw (University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Ann Arbour, Michigan), Mathew Lowe and Mike Brooke (Unviersity Museum of Zoology, Cambridge, UK), Mark Carnall and Eileen Westwig (Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, UK), Kristof Zyskowski (Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven, Conecticut), Ben Marks and John Bates (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago). For access to CT scanning facilities we thank Ketura Smithson (Cambridge Biotomography Centre), Tom Davies, Ben Moon and Liz Martin-Silverstone (University of Bristol), Vincent Fernandez (Natural History Museum), April Neander and Zhe-Xi Luo (University of Chicago PaleoCT), and Matt Friedman (University of Michigan).