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Evers & Benson 2018, Turtle CT Data and 3D Models Project ID: 00000C462 Public
345 Media · 12 Specimens · Managed by: Serjoscha Evers

Please note related publications: 1. Evers SW, Benson RBJ. 2019. A new phylogenetic hypothesis of turtles with implications for the timing and number of evolutionary transitions to marine lifestyles in the Group. Palaeontology 62(1): 93–134. 2. Evers SW, Barrett PM, Benson RBJ. 2019. Anatomy of Rhinochelys pulchriceps (Protostegidae) and marine adaptation during the early evolution of chelonioids. PeerJ 7:e6811 3. Evers Serjoscha W. and Joyce Walter G. 2020A re-description of Sandownia harrisi (Testudinata: Sandownidae) from the Aptian of the Isle of Wight based on computed tomography scansR. Soc. open sci.7191936191936


Please note related publications:

1. Evers SW, Benson RBJ. 2019. A new phylogenetic hypothesis of turtles with implications for the timing and number of evolutionary transitions to marine lifestyles in the Group. Palaeontology 62(1): 93–134.

2. Evers SW, Barrett PM, Benson RBJ. 2019. Anatomy of Rhinochelys pulchriceps (Protostegidae) and marine adaptation during the early evolution of chelonioids. PeerJ 7:e6811

3. Evers Serjoscha W. and Joyce Walter G.

2020A re-description of Sandownia harrisi (Testudinata: Sandownidae) from the Aptian of the Isle of Wight based on computed tomography scansR. Soc. open sci.7191936191936


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